Brad - AgTech startup specialized in digital transition

Brad helps farmers to implement digital transformation in their plots.

Our AgTech startup’s goal is to provide you with scientific data to understand the behaviour of your soil. A better control of your soil allows you to increase your yields, reduce your workload, the need for inputs and the impact on the environment.

Our solution makes it possible to collect and process useful data on a daily basis. We support farmers by presenting them with good practices and recommendations from the Brad community. All this allows you to make well-considered decisions and choose solutions for the future.

What is precision agriculture?

L’agriculture de précision consiste à utiliser des techniques numériques pour mesurer et analyser l’ensemble des facteurs qui influent sur les récoltes. C’est-à-dire le sol, la météo et la santé des végétaux. Tout ceci dans le but de réduire les besoins en intrants afin de maintenir, ou améliorer, la production et réduire les effets sur l’environnement.

L’agriculture de précision se base sur les données récoltées par les objets connectés (IoT) et traitées via les algorithmes d’une Intelligence Artificielle.

Precision agriculture consists of using digital techniques to measure and analyse all the factors that influence harvests. That is to say the soil, the weather and the plants’s health. The aim is to reduce the need for inputs in order to maintain, or improve, production and have positive impacts on the environment.

Precision agriculture is based on data collected by connected objects (IoT) and processed using Artificial Intelligence algorithms.

Internet of Things for AgTech

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the interconnection between objects via the Internet. These objects can then be controlled and viewed remotely. This also makes it possible to centralise the data collected by these objects on a website or an application.

There are more and more connected objects specific to agricultural work (read our article on this topic). We are convinced that these tools can greatly facilitate the life of farmers. The IoT allows informed decisions to be made on a daily basis.

“Brad supports farmers in their daily practices by helping them anticipate the health of their plots.”

What is Conservation Agriculture?

Conservation agriculture is an agronomic technique based on 3 fundamental principles: Minimum mechanical soil disturbance, Permanent soil organic cover, and diversification of plant species.

CA thus makes it possible to avoid soil fatigue, and even to regenerate degraded soils.

In a nutshell, CA considers the soil as a living environment where natural interactions are privileged. This is to avoid inputs and unnecessary labor. Soil is no longer just a growing medium.

Conservation agriculture ultimately leads to better production. With, in parallel, savings of time and money.

“Brad’s app offers best practices to help farmers work with living soil.”

Artificial Intelligence for Agriculture

Artificial intelligence is a set of techniques that allows machines, via algorithms, to simulate human intelligence. In practice, it makes it possible to make robots more autonomous and to analyse large volumes of data collected by probes.

It also makes it possible to apply predictive models to the data in order to predict a particular event.

AI is used in many aspects of agriculture.

“Artificial intelligence is increasingly involved in the daily decision-making of the farmer.”

Indeed, the use of connected objects associated with AI makes it possible to detect the best way to optimise agricultural yields. This technology has the capacity to assist farmers and agronomists to optimise the time devoted to crops as well as yields.

Brad does not have certainties. we listen to your soil and offer you solutions tested and recommended by farmers, scientists and agronomists.

Learn more about Brad’s solution