Brad, the connected farmer’s digital assistant, operates in the field of Precision Agriculture.

The Brad solution is made up of a connected autonomous probe, installed in the heart of the plot, and a mobile application. Brad uses data acquired and returned in real time coupled with artificial intelligence (AI) to provide farmers with an improved knowledge of the state of health of their soils. Brad assists them in their daily actions.

With his new tools, Brad wants to contribute to an agriculture that is more respectful of the aerial and underground ecosystems. So that we help farmers to make better use of inputs, fertilisers and pesticides, according to the principles of soil conservation agriculture.

In short, Brad aims at the restoration of organic life to change the way we relate to soil: passing from exploitation to cooperation.

Why Brad?

We were looking for a catchy, short and easy to remember name, which would also means something. We came up with “Brad” which is the acronym of the French sentence: “Balise à remontée automatique de données”. Basically, it could translate to something like: “Automated data transfer probe”.

Obviously, no link with all the famous Brads. Event though, we can confess that getting a real picture of Brad Pitt holding our Brad probe is a challenge for 2022.

How it started

Brad’s team was formed around the project that emerged after countless meetings and experiments. It all started with a personal prototype developed by Olivier Lépine for the needs of his garden composter. Olivier presented the project at a meeting of digital professionals. Alister Amory, one of the participants, was convinced that the idea was great. Very quickly, he spoke about it to one of his wine-growing clients, who, enthusiastic about the idea, offered to make his knowledge and his plots of Châteauneuf-du-Pape available.

These two people with very different backgrounds share the roles between research and development, operations, customer relations and finance.

The team

Olivier Lépine
Olivier Lépine
President, CTO, CEO,
software and hardware design
Alister Amory
Alister Amory
COO, testers management
Marketing & Communication
Customer Support (electronics)

Our statement

Climate change is more present each year and makes many usual practices of agriculture obsolete. It is even more visible for viticulture.

At the same time, consumers are also demanding a more respectful, sustainable practice and more natural products. These paradigm shifts call for new methods that technology and data analysis can help bring out.

Therefore, we have made it our mission to provide farmers with better real time knowledge of their soil thanks to data and forecasts in order to help them produce better in an uncertain and changing context.

Likewise, we want to arouse the desire for collaboration and exchange of knowledge between farmers, whether they are active or newcomers, in search of support.

Learn more about BRAD solution

Our development partners

Logo Réseau Entreprendre Provence couleurs
Logo BPI France couleurs
Logo Quatrain Ventures en couleurs
Logo PoleSCS en couleurs
Logo INPI couleurs

Our environmental commitment

Illustration de l'engagement écologique de Brad Technology

Commitment for ecology

The Brad solution is inherently green: knowing your plot better allows you to use resources (water, inputs, etc.) only when they are really necessary.

At the same time, we recommend the use of cultivation techniques to avoid the use of inputs or wasting water upstream as much as possible. If the plot is managed in a natural way, the environment (insects, soil, trees, etc.) fully plays its role, the need for external inputs would therefore be less necessary.

Illustration éco-concpetion de la sonde Brad

Brad Solution and Ecology

Proposing a modern agricultural solution that limits inputs would not be logical if we did not apply this philosophy to ourselves.

Like you, we have to cope with a legal framework and we also need performance and profitability. Therefore, when we start to design anything, we always think about these constraints to be in line with our values. As an example, when we select our electronic components, we always favor those that are efficient but also whose environmental footprint seems acceptable.


Roadmap of Brad Technology 2022-2024